About the conference

“International Transport and Transit Corridors: Interconnection and Development” International Conference & Expo

The conference and Exhibition “International Transport and Transit Corridors: Interconnection and Development” will take place on November 26-27, 2024 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

The International Conference is organized by Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, and by the Agencies: “Turkmendemiryollary”, “Turkmenavtoulaglary” “Turkmenhowayollary”, “Turkmendenizyollary”, “Turkmenaragatnashyk, “Demiryollary”, Open Joint Stock Companies: “Turkmenistan Airlines”, Trade Marine Fleet, Balkan Shipbuilding and Repairing Yard and the “Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan” in partnership with Turkmen Energy Forum.

The purpose of the conference and exhibition is to discuss the issues of adaptation to new realities in international transportation, the development of efficient international transport and transit corridors, as well as the strengthening of international cooperation between Turkmen state organizations, large logistics companies, and international organizations, focused on transport-logistics systems.

Key topics for discussion will include:

• Global Transport and Logistics: Challenges and Opportunities

• Transport and logistics interconnectedness in the global economy

• The latest trends of digitalization in trade and logistics

• Trade and industry: development and cooperation

• The role of public-private partnerships in developing the connectivity of transport and logistics infrastructure

• Innovative technologies, science & education in the transport – logistics sector – a glance to the future

In addition to the busy agenda of ITTC – 2024, the event will witness the signing of memorandums and contracts, seminars, and round tables, where international experts will introduce modern technological solutions in the field of transport and logistic. Tours to the Ashgabat – Turkmenabad autobahn, Ashgabat International Airport, and the international seaport of Turkmenbashy will also be organized. ITTC 2024 events are expected to be attended by a record number of participants representing governments, national transport agencies, associations and unions, research and development organizations, international transport and logistics companies, and leading international educational institutions.

The list of delegates includes representatives of international companies such as Airbus, Boeing, Cargo Lux, Fly Dubai, Vitol, and Dragon Oil; international logistics organizations such as IATA (International Air Transport Association), ICS (International Chamber of Shipping), IRU (International Road Transport Union), USAID Central Asia and many others.

The Conference will be attended by high-ranking representatives of the Government of Turkmenistan, representatives of international organizations, heads of national and international transport companies, and major international financial institutions. The rich business program of ITTC - 2024, in addition to the conference and exhibition, provides for the signing of memoranda and contracts, seminars, and round tables, where domestic and foreign experts will introduce modern technological solutions in the field of transport and logistics. To date, more than 500 delegates from 40 countries have registered to participate in the conference. The impressive list of delegates includes representatives of well-known international companies such as SpaceX, Alibaba, Airbus, Boeing, General Electric, Lufthansa, Thales, Cargo Lux, Fly Dubai, Turkish Airlines, Dragon Oil, Vitol, Lukoil, Lenovo, Hyundai, Toyota, Casale, Sumitomo, KazGrain, Russian Railways, international transport organizations: IATA (International Air Transport Association), ICS (International Chamber of Shipping), IRU (International Road Transport Union), UN, and many others.

The sessions and panel discussions of the Conference will also be attended by representatives of numerous international organizations and financial institutions – the UN, OSCE, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan. Participation and business meetings on the sidelines of the conference and exhibition will increase the awareness of potential partners about new investment opportunities in the field of international transportation, and identify the areas for establishing long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation. The International Specialized Exhibition "Transport and Logistics", will be organized within the framework of the Conference, and will showcase the recent achievements in Turkmenistan’s transport and logistics sectors. In addition, manufacturers and dealers of vehicles, equipment suppliers for logistics centres, insurance companies, and administrations of seaports, airports, and railways will be represented at the exhibition.