
President of the Kyrgyz Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Participating session(s)

In 1996 he graduated from the Kyrgyz Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering with a degree in Civil Engineering. In 2004, he completed postgraduate studies at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction and Architecture, and in 2005 at the Kyrgyz State National University named after J. Balasagyn with a degree in Law. From 1999 to 2002 he held the position of co-founder of the joint commercial and industrial enterprise «Evro». From 2001-2002 he held the post of General Director of a Production and Trading Company and at the same time the position of consultant to the Center for International Creative Technologies. In the period from 2005-2007, he was an expert in the Department of Organizational Work and Policy of the State departments of the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. From 2007-2009 he held the position of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic on investment cooperation. In the period from 2013 to 2015, he was Deputy Minister of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. Currently, he holds the position of a Member of the Presidium of the EAEU Customs Union, Vice-Chairman of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, President of the KSPP and Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Center for Integration Studies and Communications.